Thursday, October 17, 2013

Follow Up on the Kate Spade "Austen" Blunder

Kate Spade has made no formal statement about the Required Reading "Austen" handbag.

As posted yesterday on this blog, Kate Spade has released a bag, with the intention of paying homage to the great Authoress Jane Austen.  However, Kate Spade spelled the name "Austin" in Austin, Texas! 

I called several stores today...and each shop girl told me that the bag is still on sale and that it will not be discounted.  Furthermore, I was told that the bag was "going to be recalled" but then the company decided to sell it anyway in order to "honor all authors".  Well, this is pretty ironic, because the bag depicts an old-fashioned library card catalog drawer, with the label showing the authors in alphabetical order: Austin - Bronte.  By this reasoning, the intended author, Jane Austen....wouldn't even fall into this category.  As we all know, the letter E comes BEFORE the letter I in the alphabet.  This is comical reasoning.  Not to mention, disingenuous.  To my best knowledge, the store is not warning well-meaning customers that the name of the beloved Author is spelled incorrectly.  Come on Kate Spade.  Have a little respect for the customer.  
At the least, these bags should be discounted and the company should let people know that the name is spelled wrong.  Some nice lady will buy the bag for their Austen-lover, only to be embarrassed and upset when they figure out that "Austin" and "Austen" are not one in the same. 

What would Jane think??

She would think the situation in its entirety is quite a BLUNDER. 


  1. Wow. I can't believe they are not recalling this bag. You really can't make an excuse for this error. I would totally spend the money on this bag if it was correctly spelled. I'm sure so many others would as well.
