All of a sudden, it came upon me. The bag bug. I don't think I have ever really had it before.
But this past December, I wanted a Louis Vuitton or Chanel handbag. Walking around town, shopping and dining, I saw gorgeous LV bags and knew I needed one too. To my eye, the LV bag polishes your look and finishes any outfit. Now I had to decide if I was willing to take the plunge price-wise. Until this point, I had never even considered spending more than around $350 on a bag (either retail or on-sale). I am rough on bags, and have always been more of a clothes-girl. However, after buying so many nice bags, I had to admit that I was not in love with any of them. Neither visually, for their function, or any sentimental reason. So I thought, what bag would finally make me happy? LV or Chanel. My mother carried LV when I was young. She had a Speedy 25 and the Noe. The monogram of the LV bag had always fascinated me. Remembering back in time, she was always getting compliments and questions about her bag. My mom had bought her first LV at I. Magnin back in 1990. Then, my father bought her all the accessories....the wallet, cosmetic cases, checkbook holder, and keychain pouch. Now that I am older, I appreciate how much that all cost! Eventually, my mom gave up on her Louis...she just was like, "it's just Louis Vuitton"...and gave them all away!!
So I adopted the same attitude for years...but times have changed.
I told my mom I wanted a "status" bag and she helped me look for one. We initially thought about getting a "previously loved" Louis. I looked at so many bags, and found that the prices for pre-owned LV were pretty high. Also, I couldn't find one that was in good enough condition. The ones that were in nice condition where priced almost the same as retail! I thought that was ridiculous so I started looking at the LV website. I really couldn't decide which bag to get, but knew I needed a zipper bag. My mother suggested that I just get the classic Speedy. In search of a Speedy, I stumbled upon a high-end resale shop in my town. The lovely shopkeeper had a LV Delightful PM for $900 and a Jumbo Chanel Classic Flap bag in Black leather for a whopping $3800!! The retail on the Chanel is now $6000 Chanel Large Flap Bag. I was floored by the price of the Chanel. Although it is a beautiful and classic bag, I was surprised at how little you can actually fit in that bag. I carry a lot of stuff, and there is no way I could carry that bag on any regular basis. It was in great condition, but I don't make enough money to justify that kind of purchase for something I would barely use. So, Chanel was out, LV was in.
On the LV website, I found the Speedy! Although I liked it, I wasn't completely in love until I saw the Mon Monogram Personalization option!! Also, I decided I definitely needed the Bandouliere option!! I need a shoulder strap of some kind because my bag gets heavy. There. I was set on the SpeedyB Mon Monogram. On the site, you can play with personalization options, choosing colors, stripes, and initials. I chose the side stripes in the colors Noir and Bordeaux with a Bordeaux interior. For my initials, I chose Bordeaux with Noir shadowing and "With Dots". Here is what my future bag will look like: